A needle can save a patient’s life from a stroke. This advice is from a Chinese professor who says that we all need to keep a needle or a syringe in the house.

This is an amazing and unconventional way to help a man survive a stroke. Share this advice to help someone survive!
Take the time to read it. You never know when someone’s life may depend on you.
When one gets a stroke — the capillaries of the brain are gradually tearing. This requires rest and immediate first aid. These tips will help you save someone’s life!
Be calm. Regardless of where the victim is, do not move, because if you move the patient, the capillaries will burst and it will lead to brain bleeding! It would be best if you have a needle of a syringe at home, otherwise a sewing needle will be of help as well.
Keep the needle — over the fire, a lighter or candle to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tips of all 10 fingers.
2- There is no specific acupuncture, it should only be a few millimeters from the nail.
3- Prick in a way that the blood can flow.
4- If blood does not start to drip, tighten and start squeezing in order to make the blood flow.
5- When all 10 fingers begin to bleed, wait a few minutes — you will see that the victim will come back to life!
6- If the victim’s mouth is distorted, massage his ears until they become red – which means blood has reached there.
7- Then prick the needle in the soft part of each ear, to fall two drops of blood from each ear. A few minutes later, the mouth would no longer be distorted.
Wait until the victim comes to normal, without any unusual symptoms, and then send him/ her to the hospital.
This method of bloodshed to save the life is part of the traditional Chinese medicine, and the practical application of this method has proven it to be 100% efficient, since it helps people survive strokes.
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  1. this sounds like it is what you need to do in case of a stroke...makes sense to me...

    1. Nooooo. this will do nothing for a blocked or burst artery in the brain. only delay getting the help you really need.

  2. As a Registered Nurse with actual knowledge of anatomy and pathophysiology, I implore you to remove this false and reckless "hack" immediately. I don't know how you can be so ignorant, but if people who don't know any better read this, they could think that pricking someone's fingers with a needle could actually help during a stroke which is completely false. It wastes valuable time that they need to be getting the person actual help. Always call 911 or rush them to the Emergency Department. Seriously?!

    1. You may not have studied energy medicine in your nurses training. It’s a wonderful science to understand. Sometimes we don’t know how much we don’t know.

    2. "energy medicince" does not help with a blocked or burst artery.

  3. American medicine is a farce. Just because it doesn't involve you or your chemicals does not make it invalid. How shallow.

  4. This is by far one of the stupidest things I've ever heard! For God's sake don't try this. You may never get over helping kill your friend or family member!!!

    1. You need to embrace energy medicine. It’s amazing. You are clueless to how effective this is. King Institute may help you if you care to learn.

  5. I'm a doctor who worked in stroke medicine for 6 months. This article is dangerous and would potentially delay people seeking the effective medical help they need, i.e. strong 'clot-busting' medication in hospital. My advice to anyone with a stroke is to call the emergency services asap and minimise any delay trying alternative therapies

  6. As another member of the medical community, I urge that the first thing to be done is call 911. Always!!! BUT, then if there is an alternative treatment that does not stand to harm or exacerbate the patient's condition, perform it.
    We must stop thinking that what we do is the only thing available to do. We've become very proud of ourselves, and should step back and realize that we're not the only sun in the sky.

  7. This ridiculous! All that this will cause is a stroke victim with sore fingers and ears. If a blood clot is occluding an artery this will not fix the occlusion. Nor will it help a brain bleed.

  8. You mean theres more than one sun in the sky??..
