This diet plan is extremely effective and simple. All you do is include cucumbers in your diet for a week in the way recommended below. Cucumbers are packed with water and provide great hydration for your body. Plus, they provide a wide spectrum of nutrients that improve your health on many levels. For one thing, this health-boosting vegetable cleanses your organism, boosts your metabolism and removes excess water and waste from your intestines and digestive tract.
Cucumber Diet (7 days – 7 kg Less) Unbelievable!

Last, but not least, this green vegetable is highly beneficial for improving your skin quality, which means that aside from fewer pounds, you’ll also get radiant, acne-free skin.
This is what a cucumber diet plan includes for one day:
  1. Breakfast:
– a bowl of cucumber salad (see the recipe below)
– a hard-boiled egg
  1. Snack:
– 5 plums / 1 big apple / 1 peach (no more than 200gr)
  1. Lunch:
– a slice of toasted wheat bread with a bowl of cucumber salad
Ingredients you need:
  • 400gr cucumbers,
  • 200ml Greek yogurt,
  • a pinch of salt and
  • some sliced fresh onion.
Start by peeling the cucumber then cut it into small pieces. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix to blend well.
  1. Snacks:
Ingredients you need:
  • 1 cucumber,
  • some fresh ginger,
  • 1 apple and
  • a handful of washed spinach.
Blend all the ingredients well. Always drink fresh.
  1. Dinner:
– 1 serving fruit of your choice (no more than 300 gr).
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