Potatoes can make your hands smooth again. Boil a few medium-sized potatoes and mash them using fork. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, honey and milk and put this mixture in the fridge. Apply the mixture 2-3 times a week and let it stay on your hands for about 15 minutes. Wash with soap and water.
Rosehip oil
Rosehip oil will help you return the elasticity and strength of your hands, and this oil is also very nutritious. Massage your hands every day with this oil and relax them.
Lemon and sugar
Squeeze half a lemon and mix it with 2 tablespoons of sugar and rub this mixture on your hands to improve the microcirculation. Wash with soap and cold water.
Almond oil
Soak the hands in almond oil and then in cold water for about 5 minutes and then apply greasy cream. Put on cotton gloves on your hands and leave them overnight. In the morning your hands will be fully hydrated.
You should apply some Vaseline on your hands, put on cotton gloves and leave them overnight. Previous Page>>
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